Post-Game-Jam release Changelog

Post-Game-Jam release Changelog:

  • Added ambient music!
  • Added a progression system to make the game more interesting via upgrading health OR damage
  • Added a tooltip feature that will describe the resulting combined element and what it does
  • Adjusted and tuned several player attacks
  • Fixed several annoying bugs regarding enemies

Overall it’s still pretty easy but:

  1. It’s nice to have the player be able to see every element and possible combination in a demo format like this.
  2. The demo should be beatable! This is a showcase of the potential gameplay.

I wanted to add the cut enemies and change up the elements players have access to in the post game jam version, but it’s probably better to leave this as close to the game jam version as possible here. I’d like to take this project and make a full game out of it instead :)


SpiritsUnleashed_PostJam Play in browser
35 days ago

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